

iFunds (powered by iCapital Networks) provides access to a choice of alternative investments. We divide them into 4 main groups: Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Credit Funds and Real Estate Funds although in reality some of them may overlap. Within these categories we make it a point to have a diversity of strategies so investors can have the option to focus on the strategies fit for them or diversify their alternative investments portfolio. Products on the iFunds menu are managed by the top managers in each strategy and have been through a lengthy screening process. You can read more about the different types of investments and strategies in the following sections.

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Private Equity

Private Equity funds cover a wide range of investment strategies including buyout, distressed investments, mezzanine capital, secondary funds, venture capital, growth equity and more..

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Hedge Funds

Hedge funds utilize their limited liquidity and drive returns using different strategies such as market Neutral, long/short equity, event driven, credit, fixed income arbitrage and more

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Real Estate Funds

Utilize different real estate strategies. Some specialize by geography and/or asset type to rise above the crowd, some are well-diversified creating a balanced real estate portfolio

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Credit Funds

Closed end Private credit funds focus on credit rather than equity investments. Current surge in specialization and strategies makes this a great fixed income alternative

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